Now that you have integrated with ConnectWise or Autotask it is time to send out a Contract.
Hover your mouse over Contracts in the main menu and choose Create New.
Search for the Client's name or Company you are looking to send the contract to. Click on the blue Next Step button on the right.
Select the template you wish to send to your customer by clicking on the blue Select button on the template. The template will open to show the sections.
Give the Contract a name.
Click to include the sections you want, or just leave them all pre-selected. Scroll down to click the blue Next button lower right to continue.
The Build Contract page will appear.
Here is where you can edit the sections if you still need to make any changes, by clicking the green Edit button. If you click this button, the Section editor will appear. Click the green Save button to save any changes, and the red Close Window button to return to the Contract page.
Click on the grey "Complete this section" toggle if you are happy with the section. It will turn green and show as Complete. You will have to mark each section as complete before you can continue.
When you have finished reviewing the sections, a blue Review and Email button will appear lower right. Click this when you are ready.
You will land on the Contract Preview page.
This is where you can review the fields of the document to make sure they have populated correctly. If you wish to go back, click the red Cancel button in the top right and you will return to the previous screen.
Click the green Proceed button to send the contract. A pop-up will appear with the email preview and information.
Enter any additional information you require, such as CC or sending yourself a copy, and click the blue Send to Client button.
You will be taken to the All Contracts page with the contract showing as sent.
Your test customer will receive an email with the Contract. They can click on a link to review it, and they will be taken to a review document page very similar to the Contract Preview page you have seen before. They can review the document and click the green Proceed button if they are ready to sign the document.
They will be shown a signature section where they can sign using their mouse, or their finger (if using a tablet or mobile).
Once they are confirmed, they will Submit the document back to you. If a counter-signature is required, an email will alert you to this fact.
Once the document has been signed by both parties, it is considered completed, and a PDF copy will be emailed to the parties involved.
Congratulations! You're ready to use ZenContract!
If you need any guidance from us at any time we are more than happy to help. Get in touch today.