Thanks for choosing ZenContract!
Our on-boarding wizard will guide you through adding your organization details when you have successfully completed the sign-up process.
Region Settings
First, select the country your organization operates primarily in, and the currency, time zone and date format you wish to work in.
Enter your primary office address for contract purposes.
Tax Information
Enter your Tax Region (for example GST) and Tax Component rate percentage (for example 15%). We will make this your active, default tax region and percentage.
If you need to create new tax regions and rates, you can do so using the Admin/Settings menu item.
The screen will display a confirmation of the information you've entered, so that you can review and edit if you wish. You can click on the tab or icon at the top in order to return to one of the areas to edit.
Once you have clicked the blue Confirm button, you will be taken to a success page, then asked to continue your setup.
Remember, you can click the Exit Onboarding Wizard button top right to exit the on-boarding process at any time and move to the system Dashboard.
Template Settings
Here, you can choose a default color-scheme for your contract templates, and upload your organization logo. The logo will display in the top left of your screen when successfully uploaded.
Import Templates
This is where you can import an additional contract template to your system if you wish. The Master Services Agreement will be imported by default, but you can choose another one, or click the blue Next button to skip selecting additional templates.
Terms and Conditions
Here you can upload a PDF, .doc or .docx file to create a Terms & Conditions section in your Master Services Agreement template. You can format it before you upload if you wish, using the style guide provided on this screen, or you can simply upload an existing copy you have.
You can edit your Terms and Conditions later in our content editor.
The screen will display a confirmation of the information you've entered, so that you can review and edit if you wish. You can click on the tab or icon at the top in order to return to one of the areas to edit.
Once you have clicked the blue Confirm button, you will be taken to a success page.
Congratulations! You've successfully completed the on-boarding wizard. The system will display a walk-me-through tour which will highlight the main aspects of the system for you.
Any of the areas you completed here can be edited at any time by clicking on Admin/Settings in the main menu. You can review the video below to walk you through this.