Categories in ZenContract are ways to segment different sections or templates for ease of use when building a template.
ZenContract comes with some standard system categories: Checklists, Cover Pages, Letters, Sign off, and Template Examples. To view the categories, hover over Templates in the main menu and choose Categories/View Categories.
To create a new category, click on the blue Create New Category button on the right.
Give the category a Name, and choose if it is a Template category, or a Section category. Click the green Save button when you are finished.
A warning will appear, letting you know that you cannot edit a category after it has been created. You will have to delete the category and create a new one if you wish to make changes.
Click the blue Save button if you are happy with your creation. You will be returned to the View Categories page with the new category listed, along with a blue Delete button if you wish to remove it.
The category will also appear on the View Sections page if it is a section category, or on the View Templates page if it is a Template category.
To recap the above, watch the video below: