Once a pricing widget as been inserted into a section, you will be able to use it while creating a document for your customer.
This will insert the correct pricing into the document so that the customer can see it when they receive the contract for signing off.
If you need a quick review on how to create a document for a customer, click here.
The pricing widget comes into play on the Build Contract area of the New Contract Wizard.
You will find that any section that has a pricing widget in it will prompt you to insert pricing by giving you a blue Pricing button.
Click on the blue Pricing button to open the pricing area.
Here, you can add sections of pricing from Pricing Bundles you have already created, or you can add new sections depending on what your customer requires.
Add your pricing section first. Then, inside that section, click on the +Add new record button to add a new pricing option to the section. You can search directly from Autotask for the specific products or services that you’d like to use if you are integrated with Autotask.
Note: you can edit the options eg sale price, cost, quantity at this level.
When you’re finished adding records, click the Save changes button.
To return to the Contract Wizard, click on the green Return to Contract Wizard button in the top right.
In the Contract Wizard, make sure you have reviewed the sections. If you are happy with the pricing, click on the "Complete this section?" toggle.
Click the blue Review and Email button, and you’ll be able to see the pricing inserted into the document.
For a review of this article, check out the below video.