In most cases, you will require a customer’s signature for a document to be accepted. In other cases, you may require a counter-signature within your organization before the document goes out to the client.
ZenContract recommends the best practice is to create a category called Sign off, which you would keep in one place all the different template sections you require for signing off documents.
There are two elements that you can insert: customer signature and counter signature.
In the Sections menu item, click on the Sign Off filter on the right-hand side to show the sign-off sections.
Click on the Options drop-down under the section "Agreement - With Counter Signature", and choose the Edit function.
Click on the blue Edit Content button on the right.
The section editor will open. You will see that there are two system prompts already showing: Customer Signature, and Counter Signature.
You can click on the square around the item to select it. Try deleting it with your delete key on your keyboard.
Then, hover your mouse over the right-hand side editor window to open it. Find the Counter Signature item and click the blue Insert button. You will find the box will appear on the document. You can click and drag it to where you want it to sit on the page.
When you are ready, click the green Save button on the right-hand side editor helper window. Then click the red Close Window button.
You will return to the Sections page. Your section will be in the list ready for you to use.
To review this, click and watch the below video.