ZenContract allows for multiple types of users and groups so that you can reflect your business rules. All users of the system must have a user group assigned to them. Think of the user group as the set of permissions. For example, a Sales user is allowed to use the template builder and create a contract, but is not allowed to sign off a document when it is sent to the customer.
To review the Group permissions, hover your mouse over the Admin menu and choose Settings. Click on the Users & Groups tab.
By default it will show you the Users sub-tab. Click on the Groups sub-tab to open the group permissions.
To change any of the permissions allowed for a group, or to rename it, click on the blue name of the group. You will access the User Group edit screen. You can edit any of the parameters there and click on the blue Save button to save your edits.
To create a new group, click on the blue Create New Group button. Give the Group a name, and choose the types of permissions you want, then click the blue Save Changes button.
Permissions Review
Admin permission is someone who has access to the entire organization. They can edit templates, sign off documents, send out documents and view other people's documents as well. However, they do not require documents to be signed off internally.
Sign off Needed is a low-level permission that requires any document created by a user to go through an internal process which requires peer review.
Template Builder is a permission which allows the user to utilize all parts of the templates area, including adding and deleting templates and sections.
Sign off Group is a permission that signs off documents internally when finance rules are in place.
Counter-sign Group permission allows that user to counter-sign a specific document when a customer has already signed it.
Compliance and Renewals Admin permission allows that user to review and control those finance rules.
Under the Users & Groups tab in the Settings area, click on the Users sub-tab to access a list of the users in your system.
All users will have a specific User Group assigned to them. You can edit this by clicking on the name of the user and editing the User Group area, then clicking the green Save button.
Users who do not have the admin permission will only be able to see and edit their own documents, whereas admins can see and edit all documents.
To invite a new user, click on the blue Invite New User button and follow the on-screen prompts.
To review, watch the below video.