Finance Rules for your organization are where you can set the methods of controlling a document's pricing before it goes out to a customer.
To review or edit your Finance Rules, hover your mouse over the Admin menu and click on Settings. Then, choose the Finance Rules tab.
There are two types of finance rules: Profitability and Total Cost.
If in AutoTask the cost is inserted, ZenContract will work out what the profitability is, and if it drops below a certain percentage, the document will be sent internally for peer review before it is sent out to the customer. This rule is where you can set out what percentage you want ZenContract to look for.
To edit the default rule that is there, click on the blue name of the rule (or to create a new rule, click on the blue Create Finance Rule button).
For a profitability rule, make sure that you give the rule a name that reflects what it is looking for, and check the box marked "Profit Less than or Equal to". That defines it as a Profitability rule.
Set the percentage you want ZenContract to look out for, in our example 20%.
Select the Template or Category you wish the rule to be applied to, and the users or user groups, if you want it to be applicable to only a certain section of your business.
Select who can sign off the peer review, and click the blue Save Changes button to save your rule.
Total Cost
The same kind of rules exist for a total cost condition. If a document's total price exceeds a certain amount, then the document will be sent for peer review within ZenContract prior to going out to the customer. Total cost rule is where you can set the price you want ZenContract to look out for.
To edit the default rule that is there, click on the blue name of the rule (or to create a new rule, click on the blue Create Finance Rule button).
For a total cost rule, make sure that you give the rule a name that reflects what it is looking for, and check the box marked "Total Greater than or Equal to". That defines it as a Total Cost rule.
Set the cost you want ZenContract to look out for.
Select the Template or Category you wish the rule to be applied to, and the users or user groups, if you want it to be applicable to only a certain section of your business.
Select who can sign off the peer review, and click the blue Save Changes button to save your rule.
Rule Precedence
Finally, in the Finance Rules tab, there is a drop-down where you can select which rule takes precedence in your organization. For example, if total cost is very important to your business, then choose the Total Cost Condition. The rule precedence will save automatically.
To review, watch the video below. If you need assistance setting up these rules, reach out to our support team.